Working today to build a better tomorrow
for our Alma Mater - Vaz Prep. School
a little history
Vaz Prep.
At A Glance
Following Hurricane Charlie in 1951, Hazel Vaz started her school with just three students – her daughter, Paulette, her niece, Beverley and nephew Maurice.
Thus began Vaz Prep School. She never looked back, and with the help of friends and neighbours, desks and chairs were made, and generous credit extended. Daily, small miracles were evidenced and God blessed her efforts.
The school's motto: "Honest Labour Bears A Lovely Face", echoes Christian principles of hard work and diligence, the deep trust and commitment to a God who never fails. Mrs. Vaz typified this dictum in all aspects of her personal life, and by extension, her school.
There have been many achievements and so much to give God thanks for over the years. The school boasts many excellent and dedicated teachers, some with over 30 years unbroken service, who continue to give yeoman assistance, many whose teaching careers have been spent at school, moulding young minds. Our nation owes them a debt of gratitude.